David Hartlin

Feb 28, 20203 min

Tarpon and Mojito's

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

Cuba has always been an oasis for sun worshiping beach dwellers.

Tarpon or Bust

But the Fly Fishing for their Saltwater species is little talked about in the fishing magazines & shows because of the embargo on the country by the United States, where most of these media producers reside.

This offers great opportunities for anglers from abroad to fish for some amazingly big fish in pristine waters without usually seeing another soul while you're fishing!

Whether it's Migrating Giant Tarpon, Schooling Bone Fish or the elusive Tailing Permit you seek, there's a place and time to find just what you're looking for! Baring in mind that Cuba is an extremely off the grid when is come to fishing supplies so if you might need it you better take it with you as there won't be a Fly shop anywhere and what your guide has for equipment and basics will be quite limited do to this also.

Cayo Santa Maria offers Giant Tarpon, Jacks (several species), Permit, Snapper, even the odd Snook, and was my first of many, many trips all over this beautiful country, that I now joke and say is my second home.

Cayo Coca is home to some of the largest Bone Fish know to man ranging from 3-10 pounds with several in the 6 pound class, Cayo Coco is predominantly big flats and lagoons that are mostly wadable and fished from a skiff, whereas for the most part CSM is more open water and large channels fished from boat with little to no wading.

The Guides are very skilled at finding, spotting, and putting you on fish.... the rest is up to us, and being an Atlantic Salmon fisherman my entire Fly Fishing Career there is certainly a learning curve when in the element of the Saltwater Game!

It was learning how to cast all over again, starting with the 12wt Saltwater Series rod that compares to a telephone pole verses an 8wt traditionally used for Atlantic's, not to mention the winch size reel needed to hold 400 yards of Backing an said 12wt. line.

Casting big weighted 2/0 flies are no easy fly to cast even without the warm breeze across the flats but even with all that concord and you now have your timing dialed in, your guide has you among the school of rolling 60-100 pound Hungry eating Tarpon, he tells you "11 o'clock 30 meters", you make the cast... it's perfect, as you make a few strips you see he come, a big dark streak behind your fly, the mouth opens he eats it and you "Trout Set" the hook, he jumps and spits the fly right back to ya!

Now at this point your guide is saying something in Spanish, not sure if it's to you, about you but you know it's not good... But this will be your most difficult hurdle to over come in the Saltwater game is forgetting everything you've known and done up North and learning how to Strip Set the fly on an eat.

Getting to Cuba from Canada and Europe Is quite simple, with many flights from Major hubs such as Toronto, Montreal, & The UK, regularly year round. While most airlines offer direct charters from several major cities in Canada such as Halifax, London, Moncton, Windsor, to name a few.

With endless options for lodging from all inclusive beach resorts with all the activities to occupy your non fishing travel folks you may have traveling with you, to hostals and private homes with rooms to rent in near by towns. I personally have done all and by far prefer the life in the towns, the vibrant lifestyles the Cuban people and the food that's served is absolutely amazing!

Last but not least.. I can't express enough how Cuba is well know for how tremendously safe it is to visit, stay, and enjoy!

I would highly recommended this Saltwater, Caribbean, Fly Fishing Paradise to anyone who has Tropical Fishing on the Radar.

There are a few times a year I house trips so if you would like to join in on my next trip please reach and we can chat more!

Tight Lines & Spinnin' Reels


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...Oh and the Mojio's are the best!
